google-site-verification=Q7VwCABeQg-46zR9eZEsGCvkZQgFBFXw0GHIBpU-P4I Life Coaching | Jacqui Morris Coaching | Ayrshire | Scotland
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Life Coaching

Imagine how different you would feel if you had the confidence, clarity and motivation to achieve the lifestyle you really want.

Imagine having a plan for overcoming obstacles and navigating challenges. Or being clear about your personal development and focusing your energy on the opportunities that matter most to you.

Imagine having a personal brand that consistently reflected your strengths and values, your personality, your direction in life.

These are just some of the outcomes you could achieve when you work with me as your Life Coach.

Interested? Then read on or contact me to discuss how we can work together. 

Image by Pablo Heimplatz
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The foundation for the 1:1 Life Coaching sessions is based on the GROW Coaching Model. Additional coaching and mentoring techniques, exercises and solutions are included to design a complete coaching experience that best suits your needs.

GROW is an acronym for Goals, Reality, Options and Way forward. 


What do you want in life? 

What do you want to Do, Be, Have?


Where are you right now in relation to what you want? 


What different options could help you get what you want?


What are you willing to commit to, to make the changes you want? 

This gives you a flavour of the framework involved at the early stages of the coaching process. 

As your Coach, I ask you purposeful and thought provoking questions designed to help you clarify your goals and the changes you want to make. The coaching conversations often lead to a greater understanding of your values and priorities and what you really want. With that new found clarity, we work together to develop the strategies that will help you move forward and reach your goals.

Coaching sessions can be arranged face-to-face (distance permitting), via Zoom or by phone. When planning where you will be for the coaching session, it's important that you choose a place where you can concentrate, you feel relaxed and you won't be disturbed, distracted or interrupted.   


Get in touch to arrange your FREE, 30 mins consultation call.  In a few weeks those feelings of being stuck, unclear and confused, could be replaced with a new sense of vigour, excitement and inspiration for your new lifestyle!  

Coaching is an investment in your future. The best results are achieved when you commit fully to the process and the coaching partnership.  It requires time, energy, a positive attitude and focus. In return, the rewards can be Life-Changing!

This time next year, you'll be glad you started TODAY!

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